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Starting a better FAMILY TIME: Creation

Maybe you're like me and you want to make your personal Bible time go from something you feel like you should do to something you can...

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders

We are having a lot of fun doing parables!!!

This week was Easter so we had some outings to go to that caused us to be out late so we weren't able to do a whole week of activities for family time which meant we repeated some of her favorite ones a few times :)

Day One: Learning about the 2 types of builders
        We colored our builders that I made out of pre-made cut outs and talked about how one is really smart and one makes silly decisions.

 Day 2 and Day 3: The house built on the sand
            For day 2, I made a house out of construction paper and made a half sheet of brown paper that was our sand. We practiced putting the house on the sand---but sideways because it wasn't stable.
           For day 3, I took a cup of sand from our sand box and some popsicle sticks and we "built" a house on the sand and then poured a cup of water over the house and watched it float away!
 ..... and then played in the water for a very long time HAHA!

Day 4 and 5: And to do the same thing to learn about the house built on the rock, we made a "house" out of a Styrofoam cup and put it on a rock and poured water in the container and watched it stand strong and also cut a black rock out of paper and placed our cut out house on it and talked about how the rock is strong.

If you check out my pinterest, I have many other ideas to bring this bible story to life for your family time!
Here's some Easter pictures for your viewing pleasure :) 


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