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Starting a better FAMILY TIME: Creation

Maybe you're like me and you want to make your personal Bible time go from something you feel like you should do to something you can...

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Blind Beggar

Talk about the simplest and most fun week ever!!

This week, we learned about the blind beggar and how Jesus put mud on his eyes to heal him and then he could see!

Here's how we made this story come to life in our home this week in fun and simple ways for our family time:

We all put on our sunglasses to act as mud to make it dark and then took them off since we were "healed."

We started the week by simply closing and covering our eyes and walking around to learn what it was like to be the blind man. 

I googled some faces and then we colored some mud on the eyes. 

We decided to do some family time in the bath by closing the eyes on the baby and then letting her see!

I can't wait to hear what ideas you came up with to bring this story to life in your family time. Be sure to check out my pinterest for more ideas on the Blind Beggar!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jesus heals the 10 men

We don't have many pictures for this week but we had a lot of fun learning about how Jesus healed the 10 men and then only one came back to say thank you.

We started the week by reading the story and then painting "boo boo"s on a person I drew on paper. And then talked about how Jesus is the only one that can heal and practiced saying Thank you.

And what a better way to talk about healing then to go through a box of bandaids?! I drew some spots on these pre-cut out people and had her cover the spots up with bandaids. And then we ended up with bandaids all over us :)

For 2 days, we sang a song using our fingers--but the words slightly changed from one day to the other:
One little two little three little sick men, four little five little six little sick me, seven little eight little nine little sick men, there were 10 little sick men.

and the other day:
One little two little three little sick men, four little five little six little sick me, seven little eight little nine little sick men, Jesus healed all 10 of them!

I would just wiggle my fingers as we counted.

 And it's always easy and fun to play doctor!! But we also made sure to focus that a doctor can help us but Jesus is the real healer!

We also spent one family time focusing on saying Thank you!

I also don't have pictures of the last day of our family time learning about the sick men but what I did was get 10 popsicle sticks and colored (both sides) 9 of them one color (purple for us) and one stick another color (red). I laid them all out and asked which one she thought was the one that came back to say Thank You to Jesus---and she was able to pick that out immediately. And then I would pick one up and ask "Did this one say thank you? No...." and would randomly pick up the one that did and see her face light up.

And my husband said we HAD to post this picture.

I accidently ripped the leg off---no big deal :) Jesus can heal him ;)
So there you go!!! A few fun ideas to talk about healing and being sure to thank our healer!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Learning about Zacchaeus was a big hit in our house!

Day 1:
We started the week by simply printing off a picture of a tree and Zac and I taped the tree to the wall and had a little piece of tape on the back of Zach as well. After we read the story, we talked about how TEEEENY TIIIIINY he was and how he needed to be taller to see Jesus so he had to climb a tree. So she moved him up up up into the tree.

 And then tried to climb the tree. LOL

Day 2: There's a little song that teaches about Zac so we sang the song as we played with this craft that I pre-made. I glued a piece of green construction paper, cut to look like a tree, to a popsicle stick and poked a hole in it. I then stuck a pipe cleaner through it (string or yarn would be better) and attached our previously used Zac. So you pull the string and he climbs the tree! This one she didn't want to stop doing.

 Day 3: I was at church so Daddy and the kids sang the song and did a coloring sheet :)

Day 4: She wanted to do the tree thing again :) So check out my pinterest for more ideas of how to bring this story to life in your home!

Day 5: We talked about how Zac gave back the money to the people. We layed out people and gave them all coins (that I got from dollar tree in the party supply section).

Day 6: We got outside with Papaw and she was Zac and tried climbing a tree :)
So there you have it! A few ideas to help you bring the Bible into your home in fun, simple, and affordable ways! You don't need to have all the answers or know the stories to do this.. learn them together! But most importantly, it's about spending time together as a family. :)