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Starting a better FAMILY TIME: Creation

Maybe you're like me and you want to make your personal Bible time go from something you feel like you should do to something you can...

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Learning about Zacchaeus was a big hit in our house!

Day 1:
We started the week by simply printing off a picture of a tree and Zac and I taped the tree to the wall and had a little piece of tape on the back of Zach as well. After we read the story, we talked about how TEEEENY TIIIIINY he was and how he needed to be taller to see Jesus so he had to climb a tree. So she moved him up up up into the tree.

 And then tried to climb the tree. LOL

Day 2: There's a little song that teaches about Zac so we sang the song as we played with this craft that I pre-made. I glued a piece of green construction paper, cut to look like a tree, to a popsicle stick and poked a hole in it. I then stuck a pipe cleaner through it (string or yarn would be better) and attached our previously used Zac. So you pull the string and he climbs the tree! This one she didn't want to stop doing.

 Day 3: I was at church so Daddy and the kids sang the song and did a coloring sheet :)

Day 4: She wanted to do the tree thing again :) So check out my pinterest for more ideas of how to bring this story to life in your home!

Day 5: We talked about how Zac gave back the money to the people. We layed out people and gave them all coins (that I got from dollar tree in the party supply section).

Day 6: We got outside with Papaw and she was Zac and tried climbing a tree :)
So there you have it! A few ideas to help you bring the Bible into your home in fun, simple, and affordable ways! You don't need to have all the answers or know the stories to do this.. learn them together! But most importantly, it's about spending time together as a family. :)

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