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Starting a better FAMILY TIME: Creation

Maybe you're like me and you want to make your personal Bible time go from something you feel like you should do to something you can...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Jesus Enters on the Donkey (Palm Leaves), The Poor Woman, and The Last Supper

Talk about 3 easy and FUN ways to bring the bible to life in the home!!! At this point, we have been doing "Family Time" for almost 6 months and our daughter still LOVES it and can't wait for it! There's sometimes when maybe we will be getting to bed late and we just plan to get things ready for bed and skip our family time reading the bible but she doesn't like that and won't let that happen--- so I guess that means we're doing something right!?

Here's 3 weeks of simple and fun ways to bring God into the home:

It doesn't get much simpler and more fun than getting on the horse and riding into town like Jesus while people wave palm leaves at you! We did this one for most of the week because the kids enjoyed it so much. And then we also had a coloring page--- she REALLY enjoys coloring so this works for us.

This is the story where all the wealthy people are putting in their masses of coins into the offering box but Jesus said the poor woman who gave all she had (2 coins) was blessed.
We used some fake play coins from the dollar tree and had some of our cut out people put in lots of coins and then I had put in 2 coins into her purse and had her put in all she had and we clapped and made a big deal out of it.  

Another night, we got out her play piggy bank that comes with coins and had her put coins into it.

And of course, a coloring page :)


If you have play food then you're set.

The first night, I had made a Judas and we talked about how he agreed to not be nice to Jesus and how that's not nice.

Then we had dinner the rest of the week!

We invited all of our friends and made sure we shared with them.

And then we had a play loaf of bread that the slices separate so we could actually "break the bread." And then we use a play tea set to pour our drinks.

And we prayed! Simple and fun! You could even do this outside--go for a picnic!!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Roof

This week for family time was so fun! You'll need a box, yarn/string/pipe cleaners, a Jesus, friends and the sick friend and a "blanket."

We started the story off talking about how Jesus was in a home with a crowd of people---- so we all got together as close as a could with stuffed animals and baby dolls and talked about how there's no more room.

Then the next night we talked about how there was a sick friend and his friends wanted him to get better.

Then we had them take their sick friend up on the roof (the box).

Then the FUN part--- we cut a hole in the roof and poked some holes in it. Then cut off one of the flaps of the box and poked holes in that. The flap was our bed for the sick friend. We attached the bed and then you can lower the bed down into the house! And we tore off a piece of construction paper for a blankie and covered up the sick friend as we lowered him down.

This was such a big hit!!!

And to end this story, we had the sick friend get up and walk! He even walked on our toes!

And as promised in the Mary and Martha week, here's family time gone wrong. lol

Mary and Martha

In the story of Mary and Martha, Jesus comes into their home and one sister sits and listens to Jesus as he's talking while the other gets upset because she's trying to cook a meal and no one is helping but Jesus reminded us that it's good when we listen to him.

For this story, we learned who Mary and Martha were-- I colored different pre-cut people shapes in different colors to make it easier and then we brought Jesus in and had them all go to the girls house together.

Then we acted like the sister was cooking and how she was grumpy.

Then we had a picnic and sat and listened to Jesus and learned how that's good.

We read the Duck and Goose book "Goose Needs a Hug" ---which is about how his friends aren't listening about what he really needs.

Simple and fun and didn't cost us anything!!! But--we did have a causality with Martha... lol (See picture in "The Roof" post)