In the story of Mary and Martha, Jesus comes into their home and one sister sits and listens to Jesus as he's talking while the other gets upset because she's trying to cook a meal and no one is helping but Jesus reminded us that it's good when we listen to him.
For this story, we learned who Mary and Martha were-- I colored different pre-cut people shapes in different colors to make it easier and then we brought Jesus in and had them all go to the girls house together.
Then we acted like the sister was cooking and how she was grumpy.
Then we had a picnic and sat and listened to Jesus and learned how that's good.
We read the Duck and Goose book "Goose Needs a Hug" ---which is about how his friends aren't listening about what he really needs.
Simple and fun and didn't cost us anything!!! But--we did have a causality with Martha... lol (See picture in "The Roof" post)
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