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Starting a better FAMILY TIME: Creation

Maybe you're like me and you want to make your personal Bible time go from something you feel like you should do to something you can...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Jesus Loves Us

This week was particularly "easy" to plan due to Valentines Day.

Here's how we made reading the Bible fun and come to life for us this week!

Each day we read the same story from the Candle Bible for Toddlers about Jesus loves the children (page 302) and we sang the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children."

Day 1: We had different size hearts and found the small heart and the one that was bigger and the one that was biggest and how God loves us with a big heart.


Day 2: After reading our story and praying, we moved to the kitchen where we did a heart craft from the dollar tree--one of those sun catchers where you paint it and hang it in the window. While we painted, we talked about how God loves us and how he made everything pretty, even us, just like how we were painting pretty.
Day 3: I wrote on a half sheet of pink paper "God Loves___" and filled in our names and then we had heart foam stickers that we decorated the paper with as we sang Jesus Loves Me.

Day 4: Our activity tonight was learning more about Jesus who loves us so much by reading Jesus which is a PHENOMENAL picture book that teaches who He is with just one word on each page. Seriously--get it! :) After we read the extra book for this activity, we prayed and thanked God for giving us Jesus to love us so much.

Day 5: Well... we are human and missed a night--- and it's ok! We all still love God! HAHA!
Day 6: Our daughter loves taping things---and I love painters tape because it doesn't do any damage to anything! So I made this heart picture and we taped pink flower petals to the heart to make it pretty.

Day 7: You most likely know this activity from when you were a kid--those little "pill" looking tablets that you put in warm water and the capsule dissolves and a shape appears! The kids loved this!! These happened to be "love" tablets so the shapes went along well with our love week. After they dissolved, we had her find things (Where's the Big heart? Where's the 2 small hearts?).
Warning. There will be splashing. And they won't want this activity to end :)

What ideas do you have to make the Bible come to life when talking about God's love??
Up next: The Story of Noah!

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