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Starting a better FAMILY TIME: Creation

Maybe you're like me and you want to make your personal Bible time go from something you feel like you should do to something you can...

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Noahs Ark

There's so many fun ideas for how to bring the bible to life during family time for learning about Noah! Before the activity, we read part of our story and then after the activity we pray. Here's what we did:

Day 1: Noah builds the ark
            What you will need: a laundry basket
           I remember growing up and loving to play in laundry baskets---and this proved the same for our almost 2 year old. Plus, she has wanted to play with the "boat" every day since. We had the kids get in the boat and then they rode the waves so to speak. It was so much fun!

 Day 2: The animals come on the boat
             I printed out 6 different pair of animals and they all got on the boat and went for a ride! I taught how there were 2 of each animal so I had her put the animals on the boat in pairs.

Day 3: The animals got on the boat (again)
           I took the previous days animals and taped them to little arks that I cut out of brown construction paper. We then turned it into a matching game where we started with the ark side face up and she had to turn them over to find the match and then put them on the ark.

Day 4: The rain came
            We made a rain stick!
            What you will need: aluminum foil, a broom, paper towel roll, rice, beans, stickers, and tape.
            I prepped some of this before Family Time: Wrap 2 feet of aluminum foil (bunched up) around a broom and then slide it off and put it inside your paper towel roll and tap one end. I then put some rice in a bowl and beans in a bowl and we were ready for Family Time! 
         She had a blast putting the beans in the tube and then the rice (we read the part of the bible story in her room where we typically do Family Time but then moved to the kitchen floor for this activity). After she put in the rice and beans, we taped up the other end and then she decorated the tube with stickers and had fun turning it upside down over and over again to hear the "rain."

Day 5: Another Rainy Day
           I prepped for Family Time by cutting out a white cloud, blue rain drops and different lengths of fishing line. I taped the rain drops to one end of the fishing line and taped the other end to the back side of the cloud. For the activity, we gave her a glue stick and had her make the cloud "fluffy." 

Day 6: The Dove
           I cut out a bird shape, that I copied off google, out of a paper plate (I didn't have card stock or I would have used that.). Then I poked a small hole through the top of the bird and attached a fishing line through and tied the line to a popsicle stick. I also prepped by creating a leaf out of a green pipe cleaner and pre-hid that before family time (you can see it in the pictures below her owl wall sticker and above her mirror).
         For Family Time, she colored the bird and made it fly around and then flew the bird to try to find the leaf, like in the story. I then twisted the "leaf" to the birds beak to make it carry it,

Day 7: Rainbow
           This was a HUGE HIT!
           We made a rainbow chaser.
           I bought one of those Styrofoam wreath things (just go with me lol) and ribbon for each color of the rainbow. We cut out the ribbon and tied them to the wreath. Then we waved it around and made the rainbow! Both kids loved this activity!

So there you have it! Another week of simple and fun ideas to create your own family time at home! I would love to hear how you're making your family time fun in your home! Check out google or pinterest for more ideas.

Tip: If all else fails and you don't have time to prep for the evening or forget to do something, a hide and seek game with an object like what you're studying seems to always go over well.

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